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St Michael's Orphanage

Chislehurst, Kent

A locally listed building required a full internal refurbishment and bespoke interior refit. Work also included upgrades to the gated entry, parking area and surrounding grounds and outdoor lighting.

During work, unknown original features were uncovered that required an adjustment to the drawings and programme of work.


Architectural Design
Project management
Bespoke joinery

Type of work

Remodelling and refurbishment
Interior refit
Exterior remodelling

Series of pics showing the work around the vaulted ceiling
Series of pics showing the progress around the vaulted ceiling
Series of pics showing progress on the skylights
Series of pics showing the mid progress on the skylights


During the interior refit, work exposed a vaulted ceiling of a previous chapel. 


Careful restoration allowed for a automated skylights to be fitted. This helped to increase internal light to the rooms below.

Series of pics showing the final stages of the skylights
Series of pics showing restoration and remodelling work on the vaulted ceiling
Series of pics showing progress on the skylights


Improvement and modernisation were required for the internal room lighting.


Careful restoration and the fitting of bespoke lighting and a media unit created space for the creation of a hidden cloakroom as well as solving the improved lighting need.

Series of pics showing internal redevelopment work and window and opening propping.


Existing box sash windows and opening features were required to remain due to both the listed status of the building and aesthetics.


The windows were carefully removed, overhauled and restored and were then refitted. Extra care was taken around any key features to remain. 

Series of pics showing work around opening and window refitting
Series of pics showing flooring slab delivery and fitted flooring underway
Series of pics showing the whalebone flooring underway
Sequence of pics showing wood burner fitting progress


Rooms that had been previously remodelled required sympathetic updating to match modern living.


A whalebone floor and bespoke features were added to provide additional feature pieces to living spaces.

Series of pics showing stages to the bar construction


Additional space was found to create an entertaining area. This included a feature bar that incorporated a section of reclaimed 300-year-old English Ash to provide the bar top.

Series of pics showing the bar top being finished and sealed
Pic showing the additional lighting and detailing for the bar area


Additional rear access was requested by the client.


The overall garage size was reduced through a remodelled driveway with automated wooden gates.

Series of pics showing gate area being remodelled
Series of pics showing the gate area being remodelled
Pic showing the finished gateposts


Space around the property was cleared to allow for the preparation and levelling of an extended drive/parking area in front of the property. This was then gravelled.

Series of pics that show the ground preparation and clearance for the driveway
Series of pics that shows the edging and detail work around the edge of the driveway
Series of pics showing the compacting and gravelling stages of the driveway